Custom Designed Products: What Does That Mean, Exactly?

You can request a custom product design. (If you’re looking for web design or a business card or brochure, etc., click here.) But what exactly do I mean by that and how would that work? First, here are some examples of what I would call a semi-custom design: You...
Better Call Saul — What’s Next?

Better Call Saul — What’s Next?

I’ve been thinking about the Season 3 finale of Better Call Saul for a week now, and I’ve finally gotten past my emotions at what happened in the episode entitled Lantern, and I’ve started to muse about what the fallout will be for our characters in...
My predictions for the Colony Season 2 finale

My predictions for the Colony Season 2 finale

I don’t usually write about TV shows. But I’ve rarely been as obsessed by a TV show as I am by Colony, which airs on the USA Network Thursday nights at 10 p.m. I have no official knowledge about what will happen on Thursday’s season finale, other...
Freebies by Beelissa — for a limited time only!

Freebies by Beelissa — for a limited time only!

Hi! I’m Beelissa. You can read more about me below. I want to give you some freebies, designed by me. No Strings Attached! They are below. I also want to give you the opportunity to consider joining my exclusive club, Beelissa’s Beehive. One of the...