Jun 19, 2018 | Movies & TV shows
Apparently, some fans of Colony are a bit dismayed that we’ve traveled forward in time and we don’t know all of the details of how the Bowman family got settled into Seattle as the Daltons. We certainly have a lot of questions. Let’s see how many...
Jun 12, 2018 | Movies & TV shows
Wow, we really learned a lot of things in this episode of Colony. As usual, those things brought up more questions. But I’m starting to form at least the beginnings of a theory. I thought this would be a shorter post, but then I listened to some podcasts and...
Jun 5, 2018 | Movies & TV shows
I have so many thoughts and feelings about this episode that I fear this is going to be a really long post. Warning: There will be SPOILERS. I guess I might as well get the sad part out of the way first. I have a service that streams live TV and that’s what I...
May 28, 2018 | Movies & TV shows
I have lots of legitimate questions and thoughts about the latest episode of my favorite TV show, USA Network’s Colony. But first, some random rants and silly observations — as always, there will be Spoilers: “The RAPs have enemies?” says Bram....
May 22, 2018 | Movies & TV shows
I have a lot of thoughts about last week’s episode of Colony on the USA Network. But I guess I better get the big stuff out of the way. This post contains SPOILERS! The RAP spoke! I’m sorry, I can’t call it a Click. That just sounds dumb to me. My...